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Exclusive event at Nukara

Sunday 24th November 2019


Take a short drive out to the beautiful Nukara and allow yourself to be instantly soothed by the peaceful surrounds.

Kinesiology, yoga, crystal bowl sound session and shamanic drumming from local therapists creates a truly nourishing day. This is an opportunity to refresh and reconnect to our deeper selves, allowing time to create and foster an oasis of calm and connection to our hearts and souls, amidst the chaos of our everyday lives.

Relaxing into this stunning space, Michelle will lead the a group kinesiology session, starting with gentle energetic clearing, journal prompts, aromatic kinesiology, affirmations and accupoints for the session. This will be followed by Jody moving everyone through some gentle, restorative yoga before nourishing lunch platters provided. In the afternoon, Raelene will use her beautiful crystal bowls to take everyone into a deep meditative state, a profoundly settling and soulful experience. To ground us before heading home, Donna will drum everyone through a shamanic drumming journey.

Places are limited to this exclusive event!

Tickets can be purchased via Eventbrite





contact Michelle via

sms: 0438845699



Payment is required via direct debit to confirm your ticket

M Jackson

BSB 306-012

Acc 0905328

This special event took place out at the stunning Nukara farm, to nourish, support and connect beautiful hearts and souls on Sunday. It was a magical day, with wholesome delicious food, and local practitioners supporting everyone present to drop even deeper into their heart and soul. And ... it looks like it will be happening again next year!! xx

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